Happy Donkey

Cleaning Brushes

Coffee machine cleaning brushes for espresso machine and coffee making.  High quality. Tools which help to keep brewing equipment clean. As part of a preventative maintenance routine. A great investment to buy.

Various styles of group head brushes. These are for traditional espresso machines. Used to clean the shower plate and the group seal. Preventing coffee grinds from drying up on seals. Else left as they are grinds will turn into paste. This will perish seals.

Coffee grounds brushes, the handy one for keeping up appearances. Sweeping spilt coffee from the surface. Brushing loose grounds from a grinder when cleaning. Coffee making is a messy business !

Coffee grinder blade cleaner brush. The essential tool for battling tannin on burrs. Use with industry standard Pulygrind for excellent results. A Barista essential without question.

Pallo brushes. The high quality and ultimate design icons. currently available in colour choice for the group head models. These also have ‘pokers’ to help with clearing blocked steam wand holes. The Grindminder 2 being the king of all coffee machine cleaning brushes ! However it is a sweeper not a scrubber !

Teapot spout cleaning brush. The ultimate purpose designed for the job tea drinkers tool ! A very tricky thing to clean. Armed with this brush that problem is solved. As with all items Happy Donkey offers to buy, it’s high quality and long lasting too!

All products shown are tried tested and proven. Use in conjunction with our Puly Caff range of cleaning products.  Barista people can keep espresso machines up to scratch.

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